Tuesday, December 20, 2011


When you design software you should seperate these aspects.

  • mapping 
  • formatting 
  • notifications 
  • validation
  • logging 
  • parsing

Thursday, December 15, 2011

oop concepts

With modern software practices oop principles generates itself more practical. In theory sure these concepts are like laws but for developing steady software you should change your paradigm. I think;

You must look encapsulation concept for strategy like decoupling controls, flows etc.

Polymorphism for implementing different object behaviors, properties etc.

Decide your strategy and look out your operations, flows first before you think object oriented desing :)

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

potential does not work at all


Title of the image = "The bunch of disadvantaged kids I was tutoring became too good at writing, and their essays were forcing me to confront painful existential questions, so I started trying to turn them on to drugs and crime instead."