Tuesday, December 20, 2011


When you design software you should seperate these aspects.

  • mapping 
  • formatting 
  • notifications 
  • validation
  • logging 
  • parsing

Thursday, December 15, 2011

oop concepts

With modern software practices oop principles generates itself more practical. In theory sure these concepts are like laws but for developing steady software you should change your paradigm. I think;

You must look encapsulation concept for strategy like decoupling controls, flows etc.

Polymorphism for implementing different object behaviors, properties etc.

Decide your strategy and look out your operations, flows first before you think object oriented desing :)

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

potential does not work at all


Title of the image = "The bunch of disadvantaged kids I was tutoring became too good at writing, and their essays were forcing me to confront painful existential questions, so I started trying to turn them on to drugs and crime instead."

Monday, November 28, 2011

when coding, listen this

did you ever worry that I'd come to depend on you...

Oh you'd better stop before you tear me all apart... 

ooh you'd better stop before coding :)

Thursday, November 03, 2011

enlarge your monitor

I think in future spammers will send email like "Enlarge your monitor"

Funny though but Scott Hanselman advices to developers.

If you're a developer, you need to spend money on a great computer, an awesome monitor, a fantastic chair and a good bed. Start your software career by investing in your own ass.


Friday, October 21, 2011

cool lego math

LEGO DIFFERENCE ENGINE -- You could be forgiven for thinking this Rube Goldberg device looks a bit of a mess, because it does. But it’s a mess that can evaluate second-order polynomial equations to three digits of precision, so unless you’re a real math whiz, that probably makes it a mess that’s smarter than you. Known as a “difference engine,” it’s based on plans concocted by 19th century mathematician and engineer Charles Babbage, who died before he could build one of his own. If only he’d had some Lego.


I want this :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Structure diagrams and behavior diagrams are two important types. We well structure our web site but dont plan how to behave. This is the challange of develop something.

Monday, October 03, 2011

blogger design change

Cool but my widgets are gone. Not important all but widget logic was fine for a lot of people including me. Sure advantages of new design (like no older post link very much) comes with losses.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The choice is not clear mostly. If you want to clarify your choices, let others select for a while.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Data models

If you are making a data model for your project, you should look tihs site for examples.


Down Under - Men At Work

Fine melodies  :)

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

cruel capitalism

Capitalism makes a lot of things but most awful one is making people cruel with each other. Not only nature is being destroyed for more goods, being a human becomes cruel with capitalism. disappointing.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Thursday, June 02, 2011


Turkey will have an election on 12 June. Sure i am going to vote and nowadays all news based on voting. For a while i won't follow news & media because nearly all news are arguments of leaders.

Leaders speech absurd things to effect common profile of our society. Their fight doesn't make me calm for my future.

Stay focusing extensions on browsers
LeechBlock for firefox

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

have no time!

All software developers are busy if you are'nt pity on you.

Busy busy busy.

İf you wanna be valuable, pretend that you have no time.

Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

what are you doing?

My girlfriend mailed me at 4 PM and asked "What are you doing?"

I thought, I won't achieve to describe adding a Entity Data Model for my application so I said "I'm computing"

Software development is complex though :)

Monday, May 09, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Don't let entropy win.

Software development is effected naturally by situations of people and attention grades.

Friday, April 01, 2011

cost of living vs new possibilities

Changing your job dilemma is based on "cost of living" and "trying new possibilities".

You can group your decisions about changing job with these criterias.

Logically these subjects tend to effect your thinkings like "Am i happy at my job?"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

large company vs small company

Large or small company for software development

After reading this I prefer working on a big company which resources is not limited. I should use new things and develop my soft skills on small projects with collobration of a small company.

Monday, March 14, 2011

software developers are like writers

Think, analyze, find a way to reach solution and create some code like writing a novel.

Cool stuff :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Your dilemmas creates your personality, your decisions and your life.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Configuration settings

Getting a value from configuration does not make things changeable and easy configurable.

Team leaders, project managers all of lead of something please listen me

Wanna manage project from a one configuration file? This idea is bullshit :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

thin lizzy - whiskey in the jar

thin lizzy - whiskey in the jar

Feel good :)

Risky bugs

Interface changes, developments and updates comes with unseen risks. Example : Older versions has a text area for other descriptions of an advert. It can be unvisible with new versions and nobody can notice this.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Ineffective designs

  • A complex solution to a simple problem
  • A simple, incorrect solution to a complex problem
  • An inappropriate, complex solution to a complex problem

How to reduce

  • Minimize the amount of essential complexity that anyone's brain has to deal with at any one time.
  • Keep accidental complexity from needlessly proliferating.

These references from Code Complete and CC is a very informational book.

My examples

A complex solution to a simple problem : Localization(Resource management in .net for web sites) jquery glob will solve this problem I think.

A simple, incorrect solution to a complex problem : All business decisions that created as fast solution :) Not enough analysis on current situations and not thinking what can occur next.

An inappropriate, complex solution to a complex problem : All ERP systems :) This designs makes projects hard to maintain and demoralized project staff.

What is yours?

Friday, February 04, 2011

When you validate

Please return why it didn’t validate by reference. Like this

public bool ValidateSearchParameters(AdvertSearchParameters advertSearchParameters, ref string errorString)

if (advertSearchParameters.TextKeywords.Length < 5) //TODO : will be provided by config
                    errorString =
"Must be more than 5 charachter."
return false;

Life runs on code :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Visual Studio Achievements


My achievements :)

Falling Down – Created a new SharePoint project

The Portal – Created a circular project dependency

The Multitasker – Have more than 50 source files open at the same time

Highway to Hell – Successfully created a WCF service

Rage Quit – ALT+F4 after a failed bug fix “Fine solution :)”

Warm Bath – Successfully consumed a non .NET SOAP web service

Old School – Defined more than 100 static objects

The Cloner – Copy-pasted more than 50 lines

I like that I wish VS gives us badges.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Linq Spagetti

 //Property Options
            IDictionaryAdvertPropertyint> advertPropertyGroupList =
    (from r in resultPropertyOption
     where r.AdvertPropertyID != null && r.AdvertPropertyOptionID != null && r.OptionCount != 0
     group r by r.AdvertPropertyID into g
            C = new EmlakMilliyet.Service.Model.AdvertSearch.AdvertProperty
                Id = (int)g.Key.Value,
                Name = this.AdvertLookupDataService.GetAdvertProperty((int)g.Key.Value).Name,
                Options =
                    (from v in g
                            L = this.AdvertLookupDataService.GetAdvertPropertyOption((int)g.Key.Value, (int)v.AdvertPropertyOptionID) ?? new AdvertPropertyOption
                                Id = 0,
                                Name = "",
                                SearchOptionOrder = 0
                            TotalCount = g.Where(w => w.AdvertPropertyOptionID == v.AdvertPropertyOptionID).Sum(a => a.OptionCount.GetValueOrDefault())
                     .OrderBy(o => o.L.Name)
                     .ToDictionary(p => p.L, p => p.TotalCount)
            TotalCount = g.Sum(a => a.OptionCount.GetValueOrDefault())
        }).OrderBy(o => o.C.Name).ToDictionary(p => p.C, p => p.TotalCount);

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Public Shame

“The public shaming is far more effective than fear of being fired.”


A bug can cause bigger effects.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Command Query Separation



Queries: Return a result and do not change the observable state of the system (are free of side effects).

Commands: Change the state of a system but do not return a value.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Game Theory


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Yale_Courses -- Open Yale Courses

http://oyc.yale.edu/economics/game-theory/contents/syllabus.html -- This lesson I started to watch and learn.

Keynotes of Lesson 1

You should never play a strictly dominated strategy - Pareto Efficiency - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_efficiency

Rational play by rational players can lead to bad outcomes - Price wars

To figure out what actions you should choose in a game, a good first step is to figure out what are your payoffs (what do you care about) and what are other players' payoffs.

If you do not have a dominated strategy, put yourself in your opponents' shoes to try to predict what they will do. For example, in their shoes, you would not choose a dominated strategy.

Yale students -Let's say people- are evil.


I like very much Open Yale Courses and Ben Polack :)